Money Minute Friday 4th February 2022
Today's contestant was Craig Martin from Falkirk who scored 7 out of 10!
Here is today's questions!
- Wonderwall & All Around the World were 90s hits for who? A: Oasis
- What date is it tomorrow? A: February 5th
- Which country does Edam cheese come from? A: Netherlands / Holland
- Brian and Stewie are characters in which late night cartoon? A: Family Guy
- If you lived in Dunipace would your postcode start FK5, FK6 or FK7? A: FK6
- Without vowels, how many letters are in the alphabet? A: 21
- According to the 2006 Meryl Streep movie, what does the Devil wear? A: Prada
- Mount Etna is on which island? A: Sicily
- What’s further - 5 kilometres or 5 miles? A: 5 miles
- Princeton University is in which US state? A: New Jersey
Do you have what it takes to beat the money minute? Click the link below to register for your chance to play!