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Brian Woolfson

10:00am - 2:00pm

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This Time I Know It's For Real

Money Minute - Wednesday 1st June 2022

Ashley Maitland from Reading only managed eight out of our ten questions: 


  1. Which Day of the week features the letter M?
    A: Monday

  2. What type of animal is a gecko?
    A: Reptile or Lizard

  3. In the song, what is the 1st colour on a rainbow?
    A: Red

  4. Which singer will be making a perfect tribute to the Queen at the jubilee?
    A: Ed Sheeran

  5. Is Bo’Ness an EH postcode or an FK ?
    A: EH

  6. Someone who is a Kiwi is from which country?
    A: New Zealand

  7. What’s the highest break someone can do in a game of snooker?
    A: 147

  8. Who was the last Labour First Minister?
    A: Jack McConnell

Do you have what it takes to beat the money minute? Click the link below to register for your chance to play!



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