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Counting Stars

Money Minute - Thursday 5th May 2022

Stuart Harrower from Denny scored an awesome 8! 


  1. How many days are in May?
    A: 31
  2. Which ‘C’ is another word for your auntie’s son or daughter?
    A: Cousin
  3. What type of animal is a poodle?
    A: Dog
  4. Dom Perignon invented which type of fizz?
    A: Champagne
  5. What is the lowest number on a roulette wheel?
    A: 0
  6. Which ‘A’ is a bridge that carries water over valleys?
    A: Aqueduct
  7. The band ‘Wings’ contained which ex-Beatle?
    A: Paul McCartney
  8. John McGlynn has been confirmed as the new manager of which team?
    A: Falkirk (FC)
  9. In bingo, which number could be called the ‘Dancing Queen’ ?
    A: Seventeen (17)
  10. In music, which ‘S’ is another word for a ‘whole note’ ?
    A: Semibreve


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