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Money Minute - Wednesday 25th May 2022

Craig Wilson from Larbert took on our ten questions: 


  1. 1314 was the year of which local battle?
    A: Bannockburn
  2. What’s the third letter in the word May?
    A: Y
  3. Girona is a city in which country?
    A: Spain
  4. Which item of clothing did Levi Strauss invent?
    A: Jeans/Denims
  5. The dish ‘Mac ‘n’ Cheese’ features which pasta?
    A: Macaroni
  6. What is TV Chaser, Jenny Ryan’s nickname?
    A: The Vixen
  7. ‘Brochan’ is the Gaelic word for which traditional Scottish breakfast?
    A: Porridge
  8. Who had a 2001 hit with ‘Get The Party Started’ ?
    A: P!NK
  9. By area, what’s the largest country in the Caribbean?
    A: Cuba
  10. Where is this year’s FIFA World Cup being held?
    A: Qatar

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